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Jess’s story – A case for having critical illness cover

Read stories from real people who share their experiences of the value of insurance when they needed it most.

Who is Jess?

Jess is a 27 year old from Brisbane who has spent the last 8 years loving her job in the insurance industry.

What happened to Jess?

Being young and healthy, Jess never expected to have to need her life insurance plan. However, after she was diagnosed with a melanoma at a young age, she was grateful she had taken the time to visit a financial adviser. Her adviser helped lodge her claim so she had one less thing to worry about while recovering.

“I’ve been working in insurance for eight years. It’s something that I’m really passionate about because of the positive impact it can have on people’s lives. I had Life and Trauma Insurance cover, which I took out through a financial adviser. He was instrumental in helping me lodge the claim.

Having insurance meant that even though recovery was the ultimate destination, the journey was that bit easier.”

Where is Jess now?

By being proactive and taking out her TAL life insurance policy, Jess was able to undergo surgery and have the cancer removed without worrying about any of the financial burden that situation often lands people in. She is now cancerfree and living her best life.

The claims stories are provided for illustrative purposes only and while they are loosely based on real life claims stories of TAL customers, significant details have been changed to protect the identity of the claimant. The quotes are entirely fictional and have been included to assist to illustrate how the payment of a claim may affect the life of the claimant or their family. This document provides general information only and does not take into account a potential policy owner’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making a decision based on the contents of this document, a potential policy owner should consider the appropriateness of this information having regard to their objectives, financial situation, and needs, speak with their financial adviser and read the Accelerated Protection Product Disclosure Statement. All claims submitted to TAL are assessed against the relevant policy terms and conditions. Please consult the appropriate Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Document for the full explanation of our claims processes and conditions. TAL Life Limited ABN 70 050 109 450 AFSL 237 848.